Sunday, October 30, 2011

I love beer

It's true, I do. When opting for some booze, beer is my beverage of choice 99% of the time. The other 1% is a toss up between gin, vodka, or a good margarita. But, really, beer is where it's at.

I cut my teeth on shitty American know what I'm talking about: Bud, even worse Bud Light, Coors, etc, and of course, growing up in southern California, the requisite Mexican import, Corona with a wedge of lime. I can squeeze a lime, flip the beer to mix, and right it again, without spilling a drop. I thought I was being adventurous when I finally tried Newcastle; I remember worrying that it would be too dark for my liking.

Yeah, nowadays I'm more of a beer elitist, though I do have to admit an odd fondness for Bud Light Lime on occasion. One of my favorite Saturday past times is taking the husband to Total Wine and roaming the singles aisle of beers, picking up new interesting beers to try, and 6ers of my current favorites. In keeping with that theme, here's what was in this weekend's cart:

Shocktop Pumpkin Wheat (a recent fav)
Shocktop Rasberry Wheat (the first time I've seen this one)
Maui Brewing Co Coconut Porter (one I saw on the Cooking Channel and have been wanting to try for awhile)
Maui Brewing Co Mana Wheat (brewed with pineapple juice, so of course I wanted to try it out)
Anchor Brewing Co Humming Ale (I loved Anchor Steam in college, and I'd never seen this brew before, so there ya go)
La Citrueille Celeste de Citracado--this is a special seasonal collaboration between southern California breweries Stone, Bruery, and Elysian Brewery. I love trying out new special and seasonal brews, and am a big fan of Stone's beers, hence I needed to pick up a few of these. But holy geez, $3 a bottle!

Obviously, I have a fondness for wheat beers, especially those brewed in the Belgian style. However, other than IPAs, I am pretty much an equal opportunity beer drinker and am always up for trying something new. IPAs just aren't my thing, though I did have one at local micro/craft brewery Hangar 24 that I actually enjoyed; I wonder if it has to do with the fact that I'd already had several other beers once I tried it...

Anyway, if you're looking for a blog to give you ABV stats and the like, this isn't the place. But if you want recs on new beers to try and an attempt at humorous narrative from someone who truly loves beer, then crack open your favorite brew and tell me what you think.

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